The Mars Crater Consortium (MCC) was founded in 1997 when David Roddy, Joseph Boyce, and Nadine Barlow began discussing the potential value of combining all the Martian impact crater datasets which had been compiled from Viking data.  Investigators interested in Martian impact craters from observational, experimental, and theoretical perspectives were invited to attend the first MCC meeting at the US Geological Survey in Flagstaff in 1998.  The Consortium membership continues to grow as new crater data are obtained from Mars spacecraft and theoretical/experimental advances are made in understanding the processes involved in Martian crater formation.






Some of the participants at the 11th MCC meeting, Sept. 29-30, 2008.  From left to right:  Trent Hare (USGS), Tom Stepinski (LPI), Ken Tanaka (USGS), Larry Soderblom (USGS), Nadine Barlow (NAU), Dan Berman (PSI), Ken Herkenhoff (USGS), Andrea Philippoff (UAz), Veronica Bray (UAz), Don Barker (NASA/JSC), Audrey Rager (UNLV), Joe Boyce (U. HI), Livio Tornabene (UAz), Don Burt (ASU), and Stuart Robbins (UCo).







12th Mars Crater Consortium Meeting, Sept. 29-30, 2009, US Geological Survey, Flagstaff, AZ


Final Agenda

The Meteor Crater field trip on Sunday, Sept. 27, is now full.

The 12th annual Mars Crater Consortium will follow the 1st Lunar Crater Consortium meeting (Sept. 28, 2009), also to be held at USGS.      


Current MCC Participants                               MCC Publications
Link to Crater Database on PIGWAD                        Impact Cratering Technical Literature
Minutes from Past Meetings                  Abstracts from Past Meetings           Pictures from 2007 Meteor Crater Field Trip
Last Updated September 24, 2009