OCTOBER 20, 2007





Meteor Crater from the north rim.










Remnants of old mining operation on floor of Meteor Crater.










 Looking across ejecta blanket to northeast.  The volcanic Hopi Buttes are in the  distance. 









           Ejecta blocks of Kaibab limestone along the east rim.











     Additional ejecta blocks along east rim.









Northwest corner of the crater from the east.  Volcanic San Francisco Peaks are in the distance.  Note the fault line, causing a displacement of the rim strata.  Ruins of the old crater museum can be seen on the rim.










  Along the south rim.  Note change in vegetation from the north and east rims.












                  Equipment from old mining operation.











   Sand deposits along south rim.







Meteor Crater from the south rim.  Visitor's Center can be seen on the far rim and remnants of the old mining operation are visible on the floor.










  Coconino Sandstone (lowest stratigraphic unit) deposited along south rim.








Nadine Barlow and NAU graduate students at overturned flap along south rim.  From left:  Nadine Barlow, Brad Fobar, Natalia Alzate, Keith Wood, Chris Ramos, Sam Kim, and Amanda LaPage.  In the flap, the red Moenkopi formation underlies the yellowish Kaibab limestone, which is reversed from the normal stratigraphy.









 Silica mining pit along south rim.








Buildings remaining from old mining operation, south rim.











  Heading up to Barringer Point, west rim.








Kaibab ejecta block known as Whale Rock, west rim.











  Ruins of the original Meteor Crater Museum, west rim.









NAU Group shot along northwest side of Meteor Crater.  From left:  Amanda LaPage, Keith Wood, Nadine Barlow (seated), Brad Fobar, Nathalia Alzate, Sam Kim, and Chris Ramos.








 West Rim of crater with old museum in background.









"Jackalope Crossing" sign at the water stop along the north rim.